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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Beauty Review

So, it's time for my first ever beauty review, wherein I review a beauty product. Today's item: Cetaphil.

Until last semester, I had been using Origin for my face wash and moisturizer. I can't remember which face wash exactly, but I'm leaning towards Clean Energy, and for my moisturizer, I was using A Perfect World. There was nothing wrong with either of these, but they were so expensive on a student budget. My roommate last semester was using Cetaphil, and I had just ran out of Origin, so I decided to try Cetaphil. I looked it up online and found glowing reviews, so I decided to try it. I bought some from Duane Reade and haven't looked back. I also bought some moisturizer when mine ran out.

Cheap; around $7 for 16oz
Makes my face feel clean after washing
Easy to find in stores
Smells good
My skin has been in good condition since I started using it nightly

Disconcerting texture that takes some getting used to. It's liquid-y like hand soap, but doesn't foam up.

I would highly recommend Cetaphil for your face wash. It's cheap and it works!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Eyelash-Vaseline Experiment

Ok, so, have you heard that using Vaseline on your eyelashes can make them grow longer? If you haven't, Google it. There are a lot of varying opinions out there, and I'm going to throw mine into the mix, after a trial run of course. This is my before post. I tried taking pictures of my eyes with my nice digital camera, but it is a surprisingly difficult task, so I had to go with my webcam. Excuse my eyebrows; last time I got them waxed, she went waaay too thin, so now I have to wait for them to fully grow back in.

Left Eye

Right Eye
So, starting tonight, I'm going to apply a thin layer of Vaseline on my eyelashes every night before I go to bed.

I'll keep you updated!

First post!

So, I guess I'll start things off with what I presume is going to be a large part of this blog; hair. Last November, I got my hair bleached at a salon, and then dyed it pink and orange, using the hair dye, Special Effects.

I didn't wash my hair after getting it bleached, and I waited 24 hours after bleaching it to dye it. I had a friend help me apply the dye in sections, and then wrapped the sections in tinfoil. Then, lacking the foresight to get a shower cap, I used a plastic grocery bag and wrapped all my hair up. I wrapped it in a second grocery bag to be safe, and put a towel on my pillow when I went to bed. It wasn't a very comfortable way to sleep, unfortunately. The next morning, I took a shower and washed the dye out with the coldest water I could stand. I was surprised at how little dye actually came out. I guess because my hair is so course and porous, it just absorbed all the dye.

The results were lovely, although it looked like just a bright red for a couple weeks, before fading to pink and orange, then later to pink and blonde.

A couple months later, I got bored with what I had, and got some more sections of my hair bleached, and then I tried dying it teal. I used the exact same method as I did before. Unfortunately, I didn't take the time to neutralize the brassiness of my bleached hair, so it turned out more green than anything else, and it faded very fast; like in three weeks. To Special Effects credit, the Atomic Pink lasted from November all the way until yesterday, when I dyed my hair again. Napalm Orange and Fishbowl didn't perform anywhere near as well. I didn't take many pictures during that time. This is what I came up with as an example, but there was quite a bit more teal sections than seen here.

And then yesterday, since all my highlights were grown out the wazoo, I, mostly on a whim, decided to dye my hair back to black. So I grabbed a box of Garnier brand hair dye in black, and decided to have at it. I followed the instructions as stated on the box. The dye itself doesn't smell great, but the conditioner they include does!

Anyway, I dyed my hair with only a few mishaps. I got the dye all over, and I ended up missing some spots. Fortunately, I have enough hair to cover any spots I missed, and I think the color looks great. Time will tell how as it fades, though.

Sorry for the photo quality, I took them with my webcam.